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Why are Chairpersons important contacts in your email marketing efforts? 


In email marketing, the role of a business’s Chairperson is critical to the success of a campaign. A Chairperson, often the head of an organization, department, or committee, is a valuable contact to have because of their influential position in decision-making and leadership. By targeting Chairpersons in your email marketing efforts, you can potentially gain access to a wider audience, establish trust, and increase the likelihood of your emails being opened and read. In this article, we'll explore the reasons why Chairpersons are important contacts in your email marketing efforts.


Decision-making authority


A Chairperson is often the person who has the final say in decision-making within an organization, committee, or department. This means that they have the power to approve or veto proposals, budgets, and other important initiatives. By building a relationship with a company’s Chairperson, you can potentially gain access to decision-makers who can influence the direction of a project, campaign, or product.


When it comes to email marketing, Chairpersons are important contacts because they can help you reach a wider audience. For example, if you're trying to promote a new product or service, you may need to convince the Chairperson of a company or organization to give you permission to email their employees or members. By persuading the Chairperson of the value of your offering, you can gain access to a larger pool of potential customers.




Chairpersons are often seen as credible and trustworthy sources of information. They have achieved their position through hard work, dedication, and expertise in their field. As a result, when a Chairperson endorses a product, service, or campaign, it can carry a lot of weight with their audience.


By targeting Chairpersons in your email marketing efforts, you can benefit from their credibility and trustworthiness. If you can persuade a Chairperson to endorse your product or service, you can potentially increase the likelihood of your emails being opened and read. This can lead to higher conversion rates and increased revenue.




Chairpersons are influential figures within their organizations, departments, and committees. They have the power to set agendas, prioritize initiatives, and direct the activities of their teams. As a result, when a Chairperson supports a particular cause or initiative, it can have a significant impact on the actions of others within their organization or community.


By targeting Chairpersons in your email marketing efforts, you can tap into their influence and leverage it to achieve your marketing goals. For example, you may be able to persuade a Chairperson to promote your product or service to their team, which can lead to increased sales and revenue. Alternatively, you may be able to convince a Chairperson to support a cause or initiative that aligns with your brand, which can increase your brand's visibility and reputation.




Chairpersons are often busy individuals with a lot of responsibilities. However, if you can establish a relationship with a Chairperson, it can be a valuable asset to your email marketing efforts. By building a relationship with a Chairperson, you can potentially gain access to their network of contacts and increase the likelihood of your emails being opened and read.


To build a relationship with a Chairperson, it's important to be respectful of their time and position. You should make sure that your emails are personalized, relevant, and concise. You should also try to establish common ground and show an interest in their organization, department, or committee. By demonstrating that you are genuinely interested in their work, you can increase the likelihood of building a mutually beneficial relationship.


Long-term value


Chairpersons are important contacts in your email marketing efforts because they can provide long-term value to your business or organization. By building a relationship with these high level contacts, you can potentially gain access to their network of contacts and influence, which can help you overall. 3 Minute Lists is you